Transnet’s rail access fees spark affordability debate
By 1 November, South Africa…
In an effort to transform Africa into a continent that is at the forefront of development in the future, the African Union has put in place Agenda 2063 as the blueprint and master plan that will steer Africa into a global powerhouse.
The plan has several goals and priority areas of focus such as high standards of living, well educated citizens and healthy and well nourished populations. On the infrastructure side of things, the plans seeks to develop World class infrastructure that crisscrosses Africa thereby leading to more integration and trade, improved security, easier movement of people and higher economic output.
Some of the major milestones set out by the African Union are highlighted below:
ACTIRI advocates for the achievement of the goal of Integrate Africa as propagated by the African Union (AU) in its’s Agenda 2063 and the African Development Bank (AfDB) in its 5 high priority areas; Feed Africa, Integrate Africa, Light up Africa, Industrialize Africa, and improve the quality of life of the people of Africa. All these initiatives are geared towards supporting African Countries to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Integrate Africa agenda will go a long way to strengthen intra-African trade and promote cross border mobility of labour in the continent.
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